понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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I. List up to a maximum of 30 fandoms.
II. Have your friendslist guess your Favourite Character and OTP in each of those fandoms.
III. If any are guessed correctly bold the fandom, list the Favourite Character and OTP and mention who guessed right.

(Since I fail utterly at the "one" part of OTP, try for one of my favorites? :D;)

01. Persona
02. Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner
03. Skies of Arcadia
04. Valkyrie Profile
05. Star Ocean 2 (bonus points for guesses for 3)
06. Phoenix Wright
07. Final Fantasy 12
08. Saga Frontier
09. Fire Emblem
10. Suikoden
11. Soukyuu no Fafner
12. Tenipuri
13. Simoun
14. Sorcerer Hunters
15. Yami no Matsuei
16. Angelique
17. Harukanaru Toki no Naka de
18. Gunbuster
19. Neon Genesis Evangelion
20. Shingetsutan Tsukihime
21. NCIS
22. BtVS
23. CSI: Las Vegas
24. Law Order
25. The Crow: Stairway to Heaven
26. D.E.B.S.
27. L.J. Smith novels
28. Heralds of Valdemar series by Mercedes Lackey
29. Riftwar Saga by Raymond E. Feist
30. Dragonlance

I lack an OTP for some of them but I wanted to include more than just video games and anime. I do have favorites from each of them though~

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Today, I ignored the outside world. Well, Iapos;m still in the process. My phone has been off since last night and I havenapos;t turned it on once. I only plan to turn it on tonight before I go to bed, because I use my phone as an alarm clock. Why? Because Iapos;m going crazy. Not the cute crazy. The absolutely psychotic crazy.

Iapos;ve lost 15 pounds because I havenapos;t been able to eat. I canapos;t sleep, but when I actually do, I dream about him. This morning I woke up at 7 in the morning because I had a nightmare about him and was so upset I couldnapos;t go back to sleep. I�get that feeling in my chest, like Iapos;m being sat on and I canapos;t breath whenever I think about him. Which is all the time, because I canapos;t stop thinking about him. Thereapos;s so much more that I canapos;t even explain. Itapos;s just there. Iapos;m going absolutely and completely crazy. This shouldnapos;t be happening. I thought I was over it. I mean, I had a totally different fucking boyfriend after him, and I still canapos;t get him out of my head. I guess with everything that happened with Jason, it made me think about what I want from a boyfriend. And subconsciously, I know exactly what I want. Itapos;s been there, lingering just below the surface. Thatapos;s why I thought my feelings were gone. And here they come, showing up again and the worst possible time.

Itapos;s absolutely psychotic, because thereapos;s no way in hell that itapos;s going to happen. And Iapos;m driving myself crazy thinking about him when all I really want to do is forget everything. It didnapos;t even last that long to begin with. Yeah, there were some really big... Differences... Or.. Decisions? I chose to make with him, but I didnapos;t think it would be that big of a deal. Obviously I was wrong. And heapos;s made it very clear that he will never have feelings for me. So why do I keep caring? I want so badly for all of these feelings to be gone. Partially because I feel like a huge crazy dork for liking someone who made it clear that they donapos;t like me and, on top of that, has no idea that I like them(high school, much?) and just because it breaks my heart knowing that I canapos;t have what I want. And I donapos;t even think itapos;s love. I donapos;t think I understand love. But this is the closest Iapos;ve gotten to love.

I guess this has really put my relationships into perspective. I was always the type to date and then when it ended, it ended. Yeah, maybe be sad for a while, but no permanent harm done. I mean shit, my in between guys time was like, a week. Iapos;ve never felt this way. I kinda hope this isnapos;t how Cory felt. For the longest time after we broke up, he kept trying to get back with me. He said he was in love and we belonged together. And I totally ignored him. I was a bitch. So I guess I had this coming. I would feel so bad if Cory felt even a tenth of the pain I feel now. No one deserves this.

I just want so badly to move away and not have to deal with this.
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Did I pull it off or what? Six and a half hours of that dank, urine soaked hellhole known as school and six hours of work; the lesser of two evils. 12.5 hours of my life Iapos;ll never get back and on a friday of all days. But, there may be a light at the end of the tunnel. I know I didnapos;t do terrific on any of the math bullshit I had to do, but there may be hope. And I know most of the Glenwood clique may still be wary of me, but�theyapos;re starting to accept me more. My point is, my friends, thereapos;s no sense in getting paranoid over every little thing because in the end, weapos;re all gonna die. So, why torment myself with the usual shit that I worry about? havenapos;t I earned this one night to live with peace of mind? una noche? si, santos, si.�vida es una puta. I think thatapos;s spanish for lifeapos;s a bitch or lifeapos;s a whore or slut or something like that. Whatever, Iapos;m tired as all hell. Canapos;t I just keep writing tomorrow? I�promise, thereapos;s gonna be a lot to write about. Iapos;m gonna be looking for a car, Iapos;m gonna see the new Oliver Stone movie about George Bush, and maybe Iapos;ll do something constructive. SANTOS, OUT

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ethnic conflicts in africa

I was reading articles and I found the following interesting information regarding Facebook users:

"The article discusses the Simultaneous Media Usage Study (SIMM) conducted by BIGresearch that profiles users of Facebook, a social networking site. Around 64 of Facebook users are female, 63 are ages 18-24, 73 regularly view photographs from friends, and 59 regularly chat while online. Facebook female users often shop clothing at Forever21, American Eagle and Old Navy, while men often shop outfits at American Eagle, Kohl's and JCPenney."

Works Cited:

"Facing facts." Stores Magazine 90.9 (Sep. 2008): 29-29. Business Source Complete. EBSCO. [Library name], [City], [State abbreviation]. 17 Oct. 2008 .

I personally thought that there were a higher percentage rate of male users and a higher percentage of the age rate for Facebook. This shows that data information is highly crucial and the internet is a fantastic tool for direct marketers and data retreiving companies to follow customer behavior patterns, customer psychology and customer buying patterns. SK

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Wow, my mind is wandering over all kinds of thought, except for work. I should probably remedy this since the end of my work day is nearing and I donapos;t want to stay late.

Is there such a thing as a snooze button for day dreaming? I think Iapos;ll just hit it one more time.

I have ordered most of the critical pieces for my Halloween costume. Now, just the waiting for them to show up and pulling all the small details together. Still not sure what I am actually doing for Halloween, but I believe I am taking that day off of work. Religious holiday, right?

Maybe Iapos;ll rent a car for the weekend and escape the area as a Halloween gift to myself. Although, I am back in school so I need to keep a tighter grip on my budget. We shall see. Maybe I will convince people into coming with me and share the cost. There are so many neat things I want to explore.

School starts next week for me. It doesnapos;t look like this class will be too much of a challenge, but I want to keep on the ball with school.

Not sure what else my evening holds, but hopefully there will be fun in my future and soon.
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He broke Duprees jaw , knocked her out and dragged the BARON�to safety...

The Baron.

A guy who can fire a clank gun on full auto from the hip.. When three yaegers firing the same type of gun single shot got hurled through a wall by the recoil.

To scale hes about 8 foot tall and five foot accross at the shoulders.

By disposition Iapos;d tend to think heapos;s Woosterapos;s back up for british intel.. Or more like the other way around. BUT

�*SOMEONE* took him to Mama Gikkas to get fixed up...so� if hes not an ELITE�undercover Yagermonster� or some kind of Heterodyne construct� Iapos;ll be shocked.

Is this just so obvious that no one else was bothering to say anything or did I just miss the thread?
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